dilluns, 30 de maig del 2011

06 Salvador Allende Street
Toronto (Canada)
13th May, 2011

Hello, X:

I’m calling you by this name because I don’t know your name, and I want to meet you! My name is Esther, What is your name? People say that you are very shy! I don’t know to say! Is very difficult writing a person that don’t meet! Is easter speak for facebook or msn! Or face to face! One day you and me stay and spoke! Tell me the day and the hour, and I attend!

Bye! I hope you call me

divendres, 29 d’abril del 2011




-Dogs are more faithful than cats
-Cats are more independent than dogs.
-Dogs' nail are smaller than cats'.
-Dogs' teeth are bigger than cats'.
-Cats's eyes are better than dogs'.
-Dogs' nose is better than cats'.
-Dogs are bigger than cats.

And, why the two don't?

divendres, 25 de març del 2011


Chrisw needs a T-shirt for Ahrmad's
B- He hates grey.
C- He usually buys large T- shirts.
D- He has got 25€.
E- He decides to try T-shirt a.


Do you prefer casual or smart clothes?
I prefer casual clothes, because I feel more confortable.

Do you buy expensive clothes?
I sometimes buy expensive clothes.

What type of clothes do you buy?
I usually buy tight jeans, bright t-shirts and trendy shoes.

What type of clothes would you buy for a wedding?
I would buy a short dress and high heel shoes.


Casual - Smart
Bright - Dark
Old-Fashioned - Trendy
Tight - Baggy
Expensive - Cheap

divendres, 18 de març del 2011

Comparative Form of Adjectives II

Comparative Form of Adjectives

1 syllable

Old- Julian is older than Alonso.
Young- Joan is younger than Yumasetu.
Tall- Marga is taller than Toni.
Short- Esther is shorter than Jose Luis.

2 syllables
(end in "y")

Funny- Mireia is funnier than Arnau.
Happy- Enrique is happier than Elora.

2 syllables or more

Beautiful- Kevin's jacket is more beautiful than Jose Luis's.
Amusing- David is more amusing than Joan.

Irregular Comparative

Good- Mireia's marks are better than Yumasetu's.
Bad- Yumasetu's marks are worse than Alonso's.
Far- Arnau's house is farther than Esther's.


Elora is more amusing than me.
Elora is tall
er than me.
Elora's house is farth
er than mine.